The ruling bourgeois regime
In foreign politics,
fascism promotes aggression to other countries, the predatory imperialist war
for the possession of colonies --
What does fascism in
First, it means that the
working class is still too weak to show any resistance to going back to the
times of the medieval Inquisition: the proletariat does not yet have its militant
organization --the party. Second, it means that the bourgeoisie is already too
weak to rule through peaceful, “civilized”, "democratic" methods. The
bourgeois police-bureaucratic apparatus no longer has the support of the
people, and it is forced to retain its regime through the bayonet, suspecting
all and each dissatisfied of “terrorism”.
It would be too naive to
think that the Putin regime could retain its supremacy, if it did not have
powerful support from opportunism -- bourgeois policy under the guise of
communism in the working class movement, which damps, which lulls any
dissatisfaction. In the epoch of imperialist wars, opportunism takes the form
of social-chauvinism--the justification for its, domestic imperialism by
patriotic phrases, by demagogy about defending fatherland. The clear example of
opportunism is Zyuganov's KPRF. Calling themselves communists, the KPRF at the
same time reject the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat, revolution
and international proletarian solidarity. Instead of the contradiction between
labor and capital as the principal contradiction of capitalism, Zyuganov
advances the contradiction between human and nature. Instead of the fight with
the bourgeois military regime--unity of army, internal police structures and
people. Generally, for the class struggle with the bourgeoisie they substituted
a nationalistic fight with Jews, "Chechen terrorists", "damned
Americans, who occupied great
The most progressive class
according to Zyuganov is skilled workers (i.e. labor aristocracy, the workers’
bourgeoisie), scientists, professors (although education is a privilege of the
bourgeoisie) and other representatives of the petty bourgeoisie, middle class.
However, what exactly is so progressive about this petty-bourgeoisie, if it is
bribed by its more- less supportable existence, fears revolutionary violence,
relies on the police “dictatorship of law” -- Zyuganov does not explain.
On the oppressed class --
the proletariat – “communist number one” keeps silence.
The KPRF declared the main
direction of its activity work in the parliament, thus rejecting work with the
masses, trading interests of the proletariat for parliamentarian privileges,
using the Duma not as means for the propagation of communist ideas, but as a
source of privileges. "If the KPRF didn't exist, it should have been
created," acknowledges one of the leaders of the bourgeois bloc Otechestvo.(Homeland).
The capitalists understand that the KPRF is necessary for them for removing the
masses from the fight, for the prevention of a revolutionary explosion.
Recently the KPRF returned
to the slogan "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" on its
newspaper Pravda (Truth), and even prints the name of this newspaper in red
color. But hardly can these cheap tricks deceive conscious workers. Considerably
more dangerous is covert opportunism. For example, the leader of "Working
Russia" Anpilov does not reject dictatorship of the proletariat, but this
does not prevent him from speaking in favor of the strengthening of the
bourgeois army (instead of its decomposition.) He did not reject, also,
internationalism, but this does not stop him from writing insulting jokes about
the Jews. In 1999, on the eve of Duma elections, the party's organ
"Molnia" ("Lightning") published a comparative table, into
which was shown the position of parties on different questions. Anpilov's
party, naturally, differs significantly (and positively) in this table from
their competitors in the Duma, including Zyuganov's.
But what points did they
An example is the
"principal question" regarding Stalin's regime. Anpilov was the only
one who respected Stalin, commended his regime. Therefore, he is the true
Bolshevik to be voted for.
It seems too easy--praise
Stalin and win public support.
Really principal questions,
such as war in
In Rostov-Na-Dony, in a
rally in front of the court building, Anpilov's party advocate exoneration of
colonel Budanov -- a fascist rapist who strangled an Chechen girl. “He is our
Russian officer!” – cried Anpilov’s old women in ecstasy of patriotism.
A few words about the
Russian Communist Workers' Party (RKRP).
Instead of dictatorship of
the proletariat as a civil war with dictatorship of the bourgeois military,
they suggest "unity of working and military collectives," which
"prevent unleashing civil war" (see RKRP program, 1996, page 11).
This party also shows a servile attitude to the petty bourgeoisie, declaring
the intelligentsia and peasantry it's allies.
Let's talk about the
history of the Russian Revolution.
In 1905 both the intelligentsia
and peasantry were revolutionary forces, because the revolution was
bourgeois-democratic. In February 1917, the intelligentsia, given democratic
freedom, was totally satisfied, and stopped being a progressive force; in
October 1917 it already played a counterrevolutionary role.
In October 1917, when
socialist revolution in the city joined bourgeois-democratic revolution in the
country, the peasantry that was fighting for division of landlords' property,
for private peasant's property, was progressive. Peasants became satisfied
after they received land; many of those peasants who fought in civil war for
revolution, opposed collectivization later in the '30ies [my present-day view
on collectivization varies from that – A. G.]. Thus, the peasantry as a class
is done with its progressive role. The time of peasant insurrections in
The revolutionary force in
the modern Russian countryside is only the landless peasantry -- the
proletariat of the countryside. Of course, some parts of intelligentsia and
peasantry are going to join revolution, but in general, they cannot be
considered allies, because of their privileged status (education for the
intelligentsia, land for the peasantry) they will always vacillate between the
proletariat and bourgeoisie.
The RKRP apparently didn't take into consideration the experience of the Russian revolution.
The RKRP didn't take into
consideration also new force – International of insurgent colonies (
RKRP rejected international
proletarian solidarity. First Secretary of RKRP Tyulkin wrote: "Developed
countries - North America,
First of all, while talking
about developed countries, RKRP forgets about
Second, imperialists use
superprofits to bribe far from all working people in their own countries, but
only narrow stratum of workers in the strategic, important, large enterprises, i.e.
labor aristocracy [Today I consider labor aristocracy as majority, 60-80%, of
employees, both in
Body of workers –
proletariat [Today I consider proletariat as minority, 20-40%, of employees,
both in
American scientist -
Marxist Michael Parenti wrote: "In
And, finally, it's lie that these countries are rotten for revolution. The
information about revolutionary actions in USA, Canada, Germany, England, Italy
and other advanced countries leak out even in bourgeois mass media. Parenti wrote
The RKRP tries to separate
Russian workers from American workers by saying that while Russians earn $50 a
month, Americans make $2000 [in 2009 - $600 and $3000 respectively – A. G.].
They forget to mention that prices in
Our critique of opportunism would be incomplete, if we didn't mention All-[Soviet]
Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva--VKPB (AUCPB in English)).
In one’s time it was advanced party, which did a great deal for the exposure of
opportunism, carried out objective analysis of counter-revolution in USSR,
revealed, that sources of counter-revolution should seek not in 1991 (Yeltsin’s
coming to power), and not even in 1985’s (Gorbachyov’s coming to power), but in
1953, when Khrushchyov’s clique, which refuse dictatorship of proletariat and
class struggle a short time later, have came to power. But now, in period of
fascist rule in
The VKPB blames restoration
of capitalism on personalities: socialism died with Stalin. VKPB explains
counterrevolution by absence of a person who could take leadership. Thus, VKPB
underestimates the role of the masses in history, and gets drowned in bourgeois
theory about "heroes and the crowd." Lenin wrote about the danger of
possible split in the party, because the party is based in two classes -- the
proletariat and peasantry. In 1917 the peasantry supported the proletariat;
however, after land was handed to farmers, the peasantry split itself into two
camps. Rich peasants turned against the proletariat during the collectivization
process [my present-day view on collectivization varies from that – A. G.]. Of
course, this split affected the party as well.
Counterrevolution and
restoration of capitalism in
The VKPB didn't reject
dictatorship of the proletariat. But how they understand it? “Dictatorship of
the proletariat is state power in favor of workers, peasants and labor
intelligentsia” – VKPB newspaper “Za diktaturu proletariata” (“For dictatorship
of the proletariat”) proposes as basic slogan. Notice: not “state power of
workers”, but “state power in favor of workers”, i.e. bourgeois power may be dictatorship
of the proletariat too, if it have made some reforms “in favor of workers”.
Furthermore, it is incomprehensible at all, how VKPB put peasants and
intelligentsia in this concept. “Party of socialist-revolutionaries [S. R.],
which wishes to rest both on intelligentsia, proletariat and peasantry equally,
by that inevitably (regardless of its will) leads to political and ideological
enslavement by bourgeois democracy” – Lenin wrote in 1902. Today “Bolsheviks”
became such as S.R.
But really dictatorship of the proletariat is the
total arming of oppressed working masses.
However, VKPB never mentions armed proletariat, disarmament of police
and army, disbandment of the court system, which is the very core of the idea
of dictatorship of the proletariat. The difference between VKPB and KPRF is
that KPRF rejected dictatorship of the proletariat openly, but VKPB -- in
clandestine manner.
"We support real "double-authority" as a real way of
returning power to workers, peasants and intelligentsia without civil war" -- Materials of 2nd Congress VKPB, 1996,
even though Lenin said that "those to forget civil wars or reject them are
guilty of extreme opportunism and rejection of socialist revolution". That
is, already at that time, in 1996, VKPB rejected ideas of civil war and armed
struggle oppressed masses against
bourgeois rule. At that time this opportunism wasn't so obvious, but now, when but now when there is already civil war in
How these "Bolsheviks"
are going to establish dictatorship of proletariat without armament is not
clear. Real Bolsheviks must be happy that the country is transformed into
transfer point of arms, and they must use this for arming of proletarian masses.
In the colonial question
VKPB was more revolutionary, until the matter came to practice. It said in
"Materials of Congress": "After reinforcement its positions
within a country, the Russian financial oligarchy got engaged in winning
positions abroad. Treaties with
Then VKPB admitted all
these facts. However, today, when the national liberation movement is a hot
issue of the day, when Central Asian countries struggle against Russian
imperialism for overcoming feudal disunity and for creation of a single Islamic
state on its territory, VKPB says that "Real Bolsheviks don't support
militant clergy," concentrating on the religious form of the movement, and
forgetting its anti-imperialist core.
"Not true Bolshevik"
Lenin admired Islamic revolution in
"Not true Bolshevik"
Stalin wrote: "The revolutionary character of a national movement in
conditions of imperialist oppression not supposes the imperative presence of
proletarian elements in the movement, the presence of revolutionary or republican
program of the movement, the presence of democratic base of the movement not at
all. The struggle of the Afghan emir for independence of
Moreover, the
"religiousness" of national liberation movements was always
exaggerated by reactionaries, which is very beneficial for both Islamic and
Christian obscurants.
It's notable, that while
talking about the national-colonial question, VKPB totally disregarded
It is clear, that if a
referendum is conducted by the
But if in 1996 VKPB
admitted, even if inconsistently, that
All history of
Time proved Lenin right,
when during WWII Chechnya fought against the Red Army. Another proof is
collapse of the Soviet Union with massacres in
Today the main slogan of
VKPB is restoration of the
Lenin said that it's
possible to talk about creation of a Soviet Union only when we are not simply
establish Soviet power, but when we are absolutely sure of this power as of our power, when we clean it of
“Great-Russian” bureaucrats-despots. Those who talk about restoration of the
Soviet Union without having yet Soviet power in
In regards to
The Kosovo issue has arisen
in the 40ies, when Tito, supported by American capital and labeled by
international communist movement as fascist, annexed these territories, rich
with coal deposits and other mineral resources, even though they were populated
by Albanians. This policy was supported by Khrushchev and Brezhnev, and this
Russian “protection” continues to present day.
Refusal to recognize the
progressiveness of Kosovo and Macedonian Albanians means supporting fascists,
such as Tito, Khrushchev-Brezhnev opportunists and fascist Putin.
The VKPB pays a lot of
attention to a "very principal question" of return of the Soviet
anthem and flag as Russian state insignia, and doesn't understand that
emphasizing these issues only diverts the proletariat's attention.
The VKPB accuses American
imperialism of plundering
VKPB newspapers write a lot
about discrimination against Russians in
The VKPB names Zionism as a
most aggressive force of imperialism, diverting attention from Russian
nationalism. Zionism could be "most aggressive force of imperialism"
for Israeli Bolsheviks; when Russians say so, it sounds more like anti-Semitism.
Moreover, VKPB claims that anti-Semitism was caused by Zionism, which justifies
“Great-Russian” anti-Semites.
The VKPB rejects the idea
of work in parliament, saying that the communist party in bourgeois parliament
becomes bourgeois one, and French and Italian parties are examples of such
transformation. However, Lenin said, that during a period of reaction, when
the situation is far from revolutionary, Bolsheviks must use even most
reactionary parliaments as a means of propaganda of communist views. Boycott
of parliamentarian activity is justified only during periods of revolutionary
upheaval, which is not happening now.
Nina Andreeva called her
party "most scientific, most theoretically correct, with the most precise
analytical approach, vanguard, much ahead of the time." Stalin was so
right when he said that an arrogant party stops being revolutionary force.
This is exactly what
happened to VKPB. This party got too engrossed in resolutions, sanctifying
(instead of studying) of Stalin, nostalgia for Stalin epoch (instead of
critical analysis) and became just another religious sect.
Opportunism of official
communist parties compelled us, Russian Bolsheviks, to create our own party.
Our main principles: 1) Dictatorship of the proletariat,
i.e. total arming of the oppressed working masses, civil war against fascist
dictatorship, disarmament of army and police, disbandment of courts, parliament,
etc., taking over banks, plants, factories; salary of government bureaucrats
shouldn't be higher than average salary of worker; workers' control of profits
of enterprises.
2) Military intervention of
3) Solidarity with the working class of advanced countries -
Our main allies: International of oppressed peoples
We declare about our
readiness to have a dialog with any Bolshevik party on the planet for the
purpose to creation of new Bolshevik International. It is possible to win world
imperialism only by common efforts, rejecting national partitions!
--Bolshevik Party writer
July, 2001