The split at Tahrir Square
I already wrote in
the article Revolution in the Middle East (February 2011) that events of February
And that split is
occurred. Lets consider the article Political groups denounce violation of unity
agreement in
What was unity agreement?
What demands did that united front have? What parties and movements were
represented in that front?
According to the
article, its demands were recompensing the martyrs families, setting a minimum
and maximum wage, replacing the Attorney General, setting a timeline for the
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to hand over power to a civil body and
putting an end to the military trials of civilians.
As we see, the demands
are limited to partial reforms within the framework of the old bourgeois system
and not provide for revolutionary demolition of that system.
The unity agreement
was signed by 33 organizations, majority of them are socialists, democrats
and social-democrats of all kinds (in above-mentioned article I already wrote
that such opposition, which is far from the masses of people in the Middle
East, which is close to neocolonial elites, which is penetrated with eurocentrist
prejudices, was constantly up to the neck in compromises with military-police
regimes, considering The dictatorship of the military is better than
From the article of
that author it is not quite clear whether Islamists signed that unity agreement
or not (there are no Islamists in the list of this agreements signers, as I
The author cites the representatives
of various political groups. From these citations it follows that Muslim
Brotherhood (in
It is strange: how
the demands of a particular sect in society were able to dominated
Really, why it
happened that slogans which was peripheral at
Lets try to clear
Russian left
newspaper Bulletin Internationalist, the organ of Marxists-Leninists
(opportunists in fact), the majority of articles in which are the translations
from Italian Lotta communista, which usually gives little attention on the 3rd
world, in this spring because of events in the Middle East in two numbers in a
row gave close attention on that region and the 3rd world in
general (evidently, in order that nobody can accuse that newspaper of saying
only about imperialist nations). In following numbers it was silence again,
there was nothing about 3rd world again, everything was in old
fashion. But here we take interest in another matter. In one of the articles
which concerned
As I remember, in
February (or in March) of this year at internet server Rambler there was an
article of one perfunctory liberal scribbler, where he praised Middle East
revolutionaries, contrasting them with Islamic terrorists: he alleged that
the former have reached more by revolution than the latter have reached by
terror. Author didnt distinguish between currents within Islamic terrorism
absolutely - all Islamic terrorists for him were associated with Al-Qaida
(although, for example, such Islamic terrorists as talibs condemns Al-Qaida for
individual terror and even intended in 2001 before September 11 to try Ben
Laden through Shariah court). I.e. in fact the author praised the change of the
sign-board, which gave nothing in itself, while covering really revolutionary movements
in mud. And just such really revolutionary movements emerged in forefront of
The demands of
secular opposition (which are in fact bourgeois intellectuals, who inclined
to collaborate with imperialists through the whole circumstances of their
existence, their education etc.) are limited to partial reforms within the
framework of the old bourgeois system as we said above. But what means in fact the
demand of Shariah and Islamic state? Is it means the demand of theocratic
state, monarchy, the return to dark Middle Ages, as bourgeois mass media and
their yes-men within the ranks of Marxists frighten philistines (If they are
Marxists, then Im not Marxist, as Marx said about such ones)?
No. The demand of
Shariah and Islamic state means in fact the demand of radical breaking of the
old bourgeois system, the demand of liberation the 3rd world
(which is mainly Muslim) from the clutches of neocolonial slavery which is
actually the old colonial oppression under the mask of independence.
Incidentally, in the article which we discuss
there is a quotation of Jamaa Islamiyas representative: There had been an
agreement, but the agreement was a trap made for the Islamists to lure them
away from their original demands. The seculars were manipulating the Military
Council to uphold their demands.
The statement that
secular opposition is the puppets of military-police dictatorship (like
socialists from Provisional Government in
* * *
Lets say few words
In that quarrel
Putin, who indignant
over western crusade, alleges hypocritically, that despotism of
Russian capitalists have
divided into two camps on the matter of
contradictoriness in the position of Kremlin is ridiculous when in TV news
Syrians which are killed by Asads regime are called sometimes victims, sometimes
About two weeks ago
internet server Rambler reported that Syrian rebels have burnt up Russian
flag because
August 5, 2011
A. G.