Leninism or Stalinism?
In present-day communist
newspapers Leninism is strangely reconciled with Stalinism, although there is a
wide gap between them.
Lenin advocated proletarian
dictatorship, that is overall arming of masses, and he advocated the destruction
of professional army and police.
Under Stalin people were
disarmed strictly, while military and police were the caste of armed men who
ruled over the society. ааааааааааа
Lenin advocated the right of
nations to self-determination up to separation.
Stalin has suppressed national
liberation movements in Caucasus, Central Asia,
Lenin named the plan of
creation of Soviet Union Уcompletely erroneous and untimelyФ (see Lenin, Complete
works (Russian-language edition), 5th edition, 45th
volume, the article УK voprosu ob avtonomizatsiiФ (УOn the issue of
autonomizationФ)), because that
Stalin has kept that article
from the people, furthermore, he lied, that the plan of creation of Soviet
Union is the idea of Lenin and Stalin (see УThe brief course of VKP(b)Тs
historyФ). Present-day УcommunistsФ continue to lie in the same way: instead of
advocating freedom to peoples of Caucasus and
Lenin advocates peace without
annexations (violent seizure of foreign lands) and indemnities (extortions from
beaten peoples).аа а
Stalin carried out both annexations
(East Europe and Tuva) and indemnities (from the peoples of
Lenin said that both
imperialist blocs are responsible for world war and it is unimportant what
power attacked first and at which territory the war is waged. ааа
But Stalin made
Lenin spared the blood of working
people, he have made the peace in
Lenin advocated the
decomposition of village community and the freedom of peasants to leave the community
as primary condition of the rapid growth of economy, while Stalin has restored the
serfdom in the villages, driving peasants into kolkhozes (collective farms) by
force and forbidding peasants leaving kolkhoz. аааааа
Lenin said, following Marx,
that the transition from the serfdom to socialism passes through the
development of capitalism, and proposed to develop capitalism in
Stalin lied that Russia have entered into socialism bypassing capitalism,
although all features of capitalism were presented: commodity-money relations, contradiction
between town and village, between mental and physical work; although Soviet Russia
still lagged behind developed capitalist countries in economical sense, while
socialism is higher formation than capitalism.а
StalinТs lie was kept on by
Khrushchevists who lied that there is socialism in our country. Today this lie
is used by bourgeois scribblers in order to prescribe attribute the defects of
Soviet order, which in fact was capitalist order, to socialism.
Although, as a matter of fact, socialism is not a thing of the past, it is a
thing of the future.
Life reveals wrong theories.
Thus, it revealed StalinТs theory of socialism in
Lenin opposed god-building and
god-seeking, while Stalin shortly after the LeninТs death became to make the
god out of Lenin (and out of himself too), playing on religious prejudices of
the people, instead of exposing them.
Modern УcommunistsФ play on
religious prejudices too, inserting StalinТs portraits, which occupy the half
of page, and laudatory articles about Уwise and great leaderФ.
УOne should read Lenin, not
esteemФ Ц Krupskaya [LeninТs wife] said. The same can be said about Stalin. Modern
УcommunistsФ, who praise Stalin, forgot what he wrote. Though he betrayed the
ideas of Leninism, but, on the other hand, Stalin
was talented popularizer of Marxism-Leninism, who stated Bolshevik ideas for
masses by simple, understandable language. Many communists forgot, for
example, that Stalin considered the struggle of Afghan emir for the
independence from British imperialism as revolutionary struggle, in spite of monarchical
views of emir and in spite of the lack of revolutionary-democratic program (see
УAbout the foundations of LeninismФ). They forgot it and are seethed with anger
against Islamic revolution at North Caucasus and
LetТs say a few words about StalinТs repressions. Bourgeois
propaganda cries much about them in order to divert the attention from brutal
repressions which ruling fascist regime commits today Ц much more brutal than StalinТs ones. But, on the other
hand, it is wrong to justify StalinТs
repressions, because they served not for the cause of proletariat, but for the
cause of strengthening of the young Soviet imperialism before World War II.
Criticizing Stalinism we must
said a few words about Trotskyism. On
the one hand, Trotsky criticized Stalin for great-power chauvinism, but he did
it inconsistently, not from Marxist-Leninist positions. In World War I, when
Lenin advocated the defeat of the УownФ government, Trotsky put forward the slogan
Уneither victory nor defeatФ, i.e. neither enslave peoples any more, nor give
the freedom to those peoples which are already under the yoke of Russian
Czarism. Lenin exposed TrotskyТs position and argued that such line is
advantageous to Czar, landlords and capitalists.ааааааа аааааааааа
Trotsky held such wrong line
later too. In 1941, when World War II began (already after TrotskyТs death), Trotskyites,
on the one hand, recognized that StalinТs regime is bureaucratic, police one,
at the same time advocates the defense of USSR (see УThe Bulletin of
OppositionФ), the defense of that regime. Trotsky and his followers, calling
themselves УLeninistsФ, never recalled, that Lenin opposed the establishing of
So, Trotskyism and Stalinism are closely related, in spite of the squabbles
between Stalin and Trotsky. Both Trotskyism and Stalinism are
vulgarizations of Leninism.
November, 2002